Digital learning leads the way in corporate training

A recent report published by CMI and Oxford Strategic Consulting in the UK, found that 97% of managers spend at least one day a year on digital learning for their employees. This is unsurprising. While face-to-face training is advantageous in terms of physical interaction, digital learning presents other equally notable merits.

The need for massive-scale learning is another reason e-learning continues to be relevant. E-learning is scalable, whereas conventional mediums are rigid. Classroom sessions can take away a lot of productive time and can only fit a certain amount of students before the teacher:student ratio will begin to affect learning and retention. It can also be costly to conduct multiple classes and hiring trainers.

“If there are many learners who need to be developed on certain cognitive skills, e-learning can achieve potential savings via economies of scale. Instead of giving staff time off to attend face-to-face courses, it’s about giving them the time, and helping them to schedule the time during working hours to make the most of e-learning.”

Employees themselves overwhelmingly prefer e-learning solutions to traditional techniques. This is underscored by findings from the Learning to Lead: The Digital Potential report that says more than 80% of its research participants said e-learning was more convenient (because they could do it on their own time). Another 66% said they preferred not having to travel, and 68% liked that they could pause or advance at their own pace.

Read more on this report on the HRM website here.

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