ELearning: The Future Landscape of Learning

Mobile, relevant, personalized and self-paced content coverage at point of need are the things learners want. Unfortunately, in traditional classroom courses, learning is often very different and tends to disappoint. So elearning comes along and meets all those requirements.

A recently published article from Vinay Agrawal, the Executive Director at Indian School of Business Management and Administration, pictured an image of the future of learning. Elearning is a vital player in that picture.

In the article Mr. Agrawal list many benefits that Elearning brings:

  • reduces other frills involved in learning by at least 25-55 percent when compared to traditional learning
  • reduces time required for learner’s participation in training
  • improves profitability for an organization
  • reduces their environmental carbon footprint

Taking an online course offers learners all these advantages. That is also why LOOP.sg is so sure that helping learners to adapt to the inevitable trend is important for our society.

Explore courses from programming, design, business management and beyond at LOOP.sg.

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Adobe Photoshop CC & Elements 13

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#SkillsFuture #LOOPsg #Elearning #OnlineCourse

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