
If you have a craving to keep learning, if you have the desire to break the mysticism associated with software application development controls shared by the non-technical community, and if you have the time to invest in the product, then LiveCode could just turn you into the next big thing in software.

Don’t be fooled though – you won’t be producing the next Pokemon Go or Clash Royale inside your first 24 hours with this tool. Even the most basic read and write commands will seem like rocket science to the complete novice to start with.

Programmers with an existing basis of knowledge may find it nothing more than a distraction, and yet another language to learn despite its simplified presentation, so there are trade-offs here.



Free under the under the GPL3 licence, this high-level language used by LiveCode is purposely abstracted to present an English-like syntax for programming. Application functions can be built with support for scrolling, use of graphics and tablet-centric capabilities, such as accelerometers, multi-touch gestures and motion detection.

LiveCode apps can be deployed across ALL popular platforms for mobile, desktop and server on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS and Android. Its maker cites examples of apps already developed, from ebooks to games and onward to apps for business automation, entertainment, medical, health, sports and nature.

Get a glimpse of what LiveCode can do through sites like

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