The top elearning trends for 2017

Learning through electronic media is not new but the heights to which it reaches each day is. The number of people and companies that are using Internet-based learning is increasing each day. Having a particularly fixed skillset is no longer the only requirement for jobs; companies out there look for employees who can learn new skills with time through such e-sources which would provide them with the required knowledge.

Every year people see a new trend in the field of e-learning, and today we are going to have a look at some of these along with some existing ones in our list of top e-learning trends in 2017.

1. Mobile Learning

Mobile learning has been there since a year or two, and it doesn’t look like the users of it are going to decline. The number of smartphone users is increasing day by day, and with it, the chances of people turning into e-learners are increasing too. Companies are also looking into this aspect of learning as a tool for employees to develop their intelligence.

2. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality might bring the e-learning a level up from where it is now. Introducing this concept among the e-learners will be new and will provide them a more interactive environment to learn from. The devices are readily available and work perfectly with smartphones and other devices too. The real life like experience might make it popular among the learning community.

3. YouTube

It is the most used source for e-learners, and it is free. There is a wide variety of lectures from professionals to beginners over YouTube, and it is also the largest learning community on the planet. The YouTube lectures are watched widely over the world and the participation in the comment section is immense too.

4. Forum Based

Forum based learning is probably the oldest style of e-learning and not at all out of style. It’s a certainty, that during any learning, one may come across queries in their mind about what they learn. Forum based learning is just the right place to get the answers.

5. Big Data

Now that the internet has already seen millions of learners over the web, the trend of data collected from these huge number of users will come in handy to develop a system of learning. Following the patterns of previously existed learners, a learning plan can be generated based upon the level of the student which can be checked through various tests.

6. Quick Learning

Learning community, looking for quick solutions while learning is growing each day. Studies prove that the most active period of studying is 20 minutes and concentrating isn’t easy more than that amount of time. Lectures between 5 to 20 minutes will be a common trend to see in the coming years.

So, these are the trends that you can expect to see in the year of 2017. The increase in the number of e-learners is a surety, especially by companies that are looking to teach some essential skills to their employees. So get yourself started with the right skills this year with our courses on! With over 300 SkillsFuture Credit eligible courses, you’ll be on the right track to improve your workforce capability at low cost and in no time!

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